Dhamma Surabhi – Vipassana Meditation Centre of BC

Vipassana Meditation as Taught by S.N. Goenka

in the Tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin


Before You Apply

Please read the Code of Discipline. This document contains important information about the content, structure, and rules of the course. It also includes the daily course schedule.

Answers to the commonly asked questions are available to help you better understand the technique and course protocol.

If you have completed at least one 10-day course, as taught by S. N. Goenka, then you are an old student. Otherwise you are a new student. Please review the relevant information given below before you proceed to apply to a course.

New Students

All new students learn Vipassana by taking an intensive, residential ten-day course. Instructions are provided by S.N. Goenka on video and audio recordings. One or more Assistant Teachers will be present to provide guidance and answer any questions about the technique.

It is essential that you understand the serious nature of the ten-day course before applying.

These ten-day Vipassana meditation courses are very serious, a deep operation of the mind. They can be a rigorous undertaking, both physically and mentally. They are residential, in a rural setting, and presuppose a high level of responsibility and maturity from each student. It requires students to spend most of their time alone, without speaking to other students, inside their own mind, meditating for up to ten hours per day over a period of ten days. While the course includes lectures, instructional tapes, a few meetings with the teacher, and some limited time for questions, the bulk of the ten days is spent within the autonomous, private sphere of a person's own mind. The meditation course requires a reasonable capacity to maintain focus, cooperate in a large-group setting, follow detailed instructions, keep to a delineated time schedule, maintain silence, not disturb other students, and to work with a teacher with honesty and full cooperation.

As stated earlier, there are no charges for the courses - not even to cover the cost of food and accommodation.

Someone taking the course for the first time may give a donation on the last day of the course or at any time thereafter. Students may give whatever amount matches their ability to give and their desire to provide others with the opportunity to learn this technique.

The three steps involved in attending a course are application, registration, and preparation for a course. Please take a few minutes to review the information in the application and registration sections, and then proceed to review the schedule and apply.

Old Students

If you have completed a 10-day course as taught by S.N. Goenka you are an Old Student. If you are planning to attend a course and wish to apply, here are a few points to bear in mind.

Standard 10-day Course

The process of application, acceptance and confirmation, preparation for the course, and cancellation are essentially the same as for a new student. Therefore, if you are not familiar with our policies procedures, please take a few minutes to review the information in the application and registration sections, and then proceed to review the schedule and apply.

We ask that you fill in a new application each time you apply as changes may have occurred in your personal history, contact information, history of your courses sat and served, and your language preference.

Other Courses

1-day and 3-day refresher courses are offered to those who have already completed a 10-day course. Additionally, for serious practitioners of Vipassana meditation, Satipatthana, old student only special 10-day, 20-day, and longer courses are available. The eligibility requirements and instructions for applying for these courses is available in our course schedule.

If you are interested in serving please visit the service section. If you are looking for information of interest to old students, please visit our old student website.